
Good News. The World Didn't End.

I set this blog up about a month ago with a semi-clear vision of what I wanted to create.  I simply wanted to share any good news that I come across.  Good news? Yes. Good news.  That stuff that gets buried beneath the usual day to day horrific, appalling, ratings-grabbing headlines.  Good news.  It's not the stuff that makes you cringe and wish you hadn't clicked on that link.  It's not the dreck that you were lured into reading making you wonder why you needed to know about those kids locked in the basement for weeks, that triple murder/suicide/death-by-goriest-means crime, the economy falling off the fiscal cliff of enormous proportions that will catapult our country into extreme we-don't-even-know-what.  Good news.  It's not about global warming, tawdry politicians, looming weather patterns, evil lurking psychopaths on every corner, conspiracies, paranoia, or our ever-degrading food supply.  Frankenfood?  You won't find that story here.  Good news.  Simply good news.
What better day to start this blog than 12/21/12.  Perfect right?  The ultimate doom and gloom story - debunked.  I've read about the Mayan prophecies of the end of the world on this date since I was a child.  I even remember figuring out how old I would be when the world would supposedly end.  Surely I wouldn't live that long.  Here I am.  And for the record I'm not nearly as decrepit as my childhood self believed I would be.  I may even live another 50 years. So as I flip the virtual bird to my 10 year old self (and the Mayan prophecy while I'm at it), I vow to bring ONLY good news to this blog.  Stay tuned.

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