
Good News - Football Season Is Over

Did you watch the Super Bowl last night? Yeah, me neither.  I could fill a thimble with what I know or care about football so again I did not partake in the biggest game of the year.  Watching the game for the commercials isn't even something I understand.  I thought that commercials were to be avoided at all costs?  However, since I live in a world filled with tweets, posts, videos, and real-time statuses I feel like I experienced the game firsthand.  Here's what I know about last night's game:

  • Beyonce had an overall unfavorable effect on more than 50% of the people that posted about her.  I'm not sure why but the words "nasty", "dirty", and "inappropriate" came up a lot in my news feed.  Maybe I'll pull up the video later on YouTube to see what everyone was talking about but I probably won't since I'd just most likely be nonplussed by the hype as usual. Not a lot offends me.
  • Whatever Beyonce did on stage was soon followed by a power outage to half of the stadium that caused a 34 minute delay.  The joke was that "Beyonce broke the Super Bowl." 
  • The delay caused a slowdown of the momentum of the Baltimore Ravens.  I suspect that it also caused a few bored viewers to continue to tune in when they might have otherwise bailed from what was going to be a big letdown of a game.  Hmmmm... I love a good conspiracy theory.
  • The 49ers came back after the lights returned but not enough to win the game.  Just enough to make it watchable until the end. Hmmm...
  • Two commercials were big winners according to my internet friends.  One was about the Budweiser Clydesdales and the other one was about farmers.  I saw so many posts about the Clydesdales that I just had to click the link to see what everyone was talking about.  Did you see it? If not, grab a tissue because this one made me well up a little even though I knew what was coming.
OMG right? Dab, dab.

I waited until this morning to watch the Dodge truck farmer ad.  This was a good one too.  I've met a lot of farmers and this is right on the money.  Do you recognize Paul Harvey's voice?   
I don't know how many farmers had the time to watch the Super Bowl, but I can tell you that most of the ones around here will not drive anything but a Dodge truck.  (Let me put my business hat on for just a moment and go on the record to say that I love a company that knows it's market.)  
Football.  I can't escape it.  But the good news for non-fans like me is that the season is over.  The winners have been crowned, the commercials have aired, the nachos have been devoured, and The Good Wife will again be shown at it's normally scheduled time.  

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